What Is a Natural Deterrent for Skunks?

Skunks are considered nuisance creatures that are eating small rodents, grubs, and the vegetables and fruits in our garden. They can destroy the landscape of our yard since they will continuously dig the ground when searching for a food to eat. They can rummage through our garbage bin that will create a mess and may make things look unsightly. Once they realize that our home is too comfortable for them, they will decide to stay by creating burrows under our properties that may damage the wiring and foundation of our houses. The stench that they will leave can be unbearable and removing them will be a struggle

Get Rid of the Mobile Skunks by Using Natural Deterrent
Eliminating the skunks that are invading your property can be a smelly task especially if you are not too careful about it. Fortunately, by using natural deterrent, you will have the ability to encourage them to move while minimizing the possibility of encountering their spray.

Home Modification
Perhaps the most effective way to discourage the skunk infestation is to make your place less attractive to them. Start by clearing the trash in your yard. Place them on a garbage can with a secured lid. The foods of your pets should be placed in hard-to-reach areas. Any possible spots that they can use as their den should be protected. All access on our porches, decks, and under our houses should be blocked. Refrain from overwatering your yard since it can encourage the grubs. Remember that grubs are the favorite delicacy of these creatures.

Using Spray Repellents
Before you even start using spray repellents, let us just remind you that this method has a lower efficacy rate. Castor oil and pepper can be effective in driving the Alabama skunks away, but it will require multiple applications. The odor of the spray repellent can easily dissipate during rainy season and will immediately evaporate during summer season. These ingredients will be mixed with water and detergent liquid. This is a time-consuming and laborious process that is not guaranteed to work. Using the urine of the skunk’s natural predator on the other hand, is a cruel method in the eye of the wildlife experts.

Hazing can be an effective method to get rid of them to some degree. Mobile Skunk hates loud noises will immediately avoid areas with traces of human activities. Playing loud music may drive them away but at the same time you may also receive a complaint from your neighbors. Perhaps a more favorable method would be to search for the possible den of the skunk and cover them with piles and stones. Make sure that it is not the nesting season or else the baby skunks will be trapped inside the den. Be careful when doing this method, since there is a high probability that you will encounter the malodorous spray of the skunk.

Trapping and removal is still the recommended method by the experts. It is cost-efficient and it is highly effective. If you find the trapping method too complex, seek the help of the expert. They can help you execute the trapping method and successfully get rid of the creature.

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