Opossum Extermination Tips

Generally, your own backyard is filled with pests and insects that you need to eliminate. Fortunately, not every Mobile pest would be difficult to exterminate. Nonetheless, there are creatures that are potential carrier of diseases and you need to deal with them under extreme care and cautiousness. Opossum would be one of them. This is why it is necessary that you know how to get rid of them successfully.

Lethal and Non-Lethal Way to Eliminate Opossum
Once an Alabama opossum invade your property, you need to know that there are risks involved with it. They may not have the destructive behavior of other wildlife creatures but there is still a small possibility that they carry rabies. They can also dig relentlessly when looking for foods. The burrows that they create can be used as a den by the other creatures. When getting rid of them, there are lethal and non-lethal ways to eliminate them.

Lethal Methods
Despite of the damages that they can cause, it is quite rare to encounter them during the day since they are nocturnal creatures. To those who want to use the lethal method, here are some tips on how you can execute them.

  • Shooting- This is one of the preferred lethal method for those who live in the countryside. This may look like simple but the execution is not as easy as one may think. Apart from the fact that opossum are rarely seen during the day, cleaning the mess after you shoot them can also be a tricky process.
  • Poisons- poisoning are not recommended since using poisons may expose your pets in the same risks. In addition, there are no poisons in the market that are intended for the opossums. This method is also considered incredibly inhumane.
  • Lethal Traps- Before using lethal traps, you need to check with the local wildlife department if the use of lethal traps is allowed.

Non-Lethal Alternatives
  • With regards to the elimination of Mobile opossums, the non-lethal options are the better solution. One you trap them, you can then relocate them to another place which simply implies that there is a minimum possibility that they will return on your property. Furthermore, by the time that they return to your place, you have blocked all their access points and installed deterrents that make your home less ideal for them.
  • Live Traps- Live traps can be purchased in your local handyman or department store. Most of the time, they are used by people who live on urban areas with a high amount of wildlife infestation. Coat your bait with peanut butter before attaching it to your live traps.
  • Repellents- there are various natural deterrents that you can use that will drive the creature away from your home. Some of the popular repellents include spikes that are made from polycarbonate, ammonia, and mothballs. There are no clinical study that will prove the effectiveness of mothballs and ammonia.

Finding a solution to your opossum infestation problem can be an overwhelming experience. If you lack the necessary knowledge, hire the service of a wildlife control company to deal with them effectively.

Visit our Mobile wildlife trapping home page to learn more about us.